A global network of curious minds
To achieve global health, we need to adopt a global mindset. We need to reach out, learn from and inspire one another. Our ecosystem has a global reach and we are building an international community to tackle the challenges of our connected world, leaving no one behind.
Trust builds bridges
We believe the potential for designing the future of healthcare is built into the Nordic culture. An essential part of how we achieve our goals is our ability to trust one another. We work with startups, businesses and governments to fast-track new solutions that reach far beyond the borders of our region. We do it by changing professional barriers into trusted relationships, thus making adoption of health tech possible at scale.
A legacy of trailblazing care
Building on the comprehensive healthcare systems of the Nordic region, our hub is a natural extension from old to new. We work to support and connect decades of healthcare wisdom with emerging new development opportunities, expanding the possibilities therein. By applying new technology solutions to the challenges faced by healthcare systems, we help enable better health and more efficient healthcare for everyone.
Keep going
Big plans
The journey begins
Meaningful impact
Vital support
A new home
Global goals
A new threat
A record year
New companions
Honouring partnerships
A major milestone
Second record year
Meaningful careers
Creating an impact
An impactful summit
Empowered by new funding
Better digital health