Get inspired! We host purposeful events for our members and for the entire ecosystem, and partner with health tech events both local and international.

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Mar. 25
Baylor College of Medicine meets Danish Digital Health Solutions
Meet and engage with decision makers from Baylor College of Medicine's and learn about their strategic approach to innovation.
Open event Global Market Access
Mar. 27
Dive into the French Digital Health Market
Discover key insights, strategies, and solutions for navigating one of Europe’s most exciting healthcare markets.
Open event Global Market Access
Apr. 01
BD Network #6: Pricing
Join expert Martin Borch for an interactive workshop on pricing strategies for Danish digital health companies, global trends & case studies
For Members Business Development
Apr. 04
Innovationstopmøde 2025
Innovationstopmødet 2025 er stedet, hvor teknologi og mennesker mødes for at skabe et bedre liv for alle. Oplev de nyeste hjælpemidler og digitale løsninger, der gør hverdagen lettere for mennesker me…
Open event Ecosystem Events
Apr. 07
Life Science Invest Investor Event
Explore strategic collaborations, Microsoft’s support for startups, and key investment opportunities that are shaping the future of HealthTech and early-stage companies.
Invitation Only Investments
Apr. 09
Infusing AI Services to Boost Competitiveness for HealthTech Startups
Are you a Health Tech startup looking to leverage AI to revolutionize your solutions? Join us for an in-person workshop hosted by Health Tech Hub Copenhagen and Microsoft.
For Members
Apr. 23
BSI Innovation Day
Join us for a day of learning and networking as we explore the health tech startup journey to compliance at the BSI Innovation Day, powered by Health Tech Hub Copenhagen!
Open event Regulatory
Apr. 24
Navigate US Reimbursement for Danish Digital Health Companies
Join this exclusive online session hosted by MCRA, an IQVIA business, to get ahead of healthcare compliance and reimbursement in the US!
Open event Global Market Access
May. 06 - May. 07
Copenhagen Health Tech Summit 2025
Copenhagen Health Tech Summit gets bigger! This year we're changing the narrative - come and learn from health tech's trailblazers.   Get your early bird tickets now for two days of health tech in the…
Open event Ecosystem Events, Investments, Regulatory, Healthcare Policy, DK Market, Global Market Access
May. 06
Investment Series Vol. 3
Fostering a robust investment ecosystem within the health tech arena and showcasing the potential that lies within these dynamic startups.
Invitation Only Investments
Jun. 06
Health Tech Showcase & HUB Friday Bar (Jun)
Our Friday Bar & Showcase is the gathering point of the entire health tech -healthcare ecosystem. What can you expect? meet our newest members: they take the stage to pitch to the community and s…
Open event Ecosystem Events
Jun. 10
Understand Digital Health Implementation in the Capital Region
Learn from the Head of Healthcare IT in the Capital Region about dos and don'ts in implementing digital health solutions in Denmark!
For Members DK Market
Jun. 16 - Jun. 19
Join us at HLTH Europe
Health Tech Hub Copenhagen is excited to announce that we are once again partnering with HLTH Europe!
Open event Global Market Access, Ecosystem Events
Sep. 23
Navigate Regulatory in the UK: NICE and ORCHA
Are you looking to successfully access the UK market? If so, you won't want to miss this webinar!
Open event Global Market Access, Regulatory
Sep. 26
Health Tech Showcase & HUB Friday Bar (Sept)
Our Friday Bar & Showcase is the gathering point of the entire health tech -healthcare ecosystem. What can you expect? meet our newest members: they take the stage to pitch to the community and s…
Open event Ecosystem Events
Nov. 28
Health Tech Showcase & HUB Friday Bar (Nov)
Our Friday Bar & Showcase is the gathering point of the entire health tech -healthcare ecosystem. What can you expect? meet our newest members: they take the stage to pitch to the community and s…
Open event Ecosystem Events
Feb. 06
Health Tech Showcase & HUB Friday Bar (Feb)
Our Friday Bar & Showcase is the gathering point of the entire health tech -healthcare ecosystem. What can you expect? meet our newest members: they take the stage to pitch to the community and s…
Open event Ecosystem Events
Ready to get involved?
  • Anett Falussy
  • Head of Communication & Events
Introduce yourself to ANETT and learn how we create events with and for the ecosystem.